Through high-quality cameras and videos, we are witnessing a new trend of motion captures and processing within the following industries:
Law and Legal | Archivists | News and Media | Conferencing | Special Effects | Healthcare | Social Media
Lipreader understands the importance of discretion, confidentiality, and urgency.
We implement evaluation steps to ensure you are saving time, resources, and financial commitment.
A credible expert witness service is available on request.
We work closely with those using the following programmes;
Photogrammetry, LiDAR scanning processing | HP workstations comprising Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000 and Reality | Capture software | Scanning, surveying, remote damage inspection | Overview | Free Photogrammetry Software | PhotoCatch | KIRI Engine | COLMAP | Meshroom | MicMac | OpenMVG | Unity Development | Unreal Engine | RealityCapture | Adobe Creative Cloud | Oculus Quest 2 headsets | Epson AR overlay glasses | HTC Vive VR headset | HP VR G2 backpacks to enable untethered virtual reality (VR) | Windows Mixed Reality HP Reverb G2 high resolution headsets – (2160 x 2160 LCD panels per eye) | HoloLens V2 Microsoft mixed reality (MR) headset | Supporting technologies for immersive experiences that include AR, MR, and VR headsets | 3D displays | 3D audio & gesture recognition | Speech recognition