Insights into the fascinating world of lipreading

Articles - LipReader
Nicola Hickling LipReader picture portrait
Insights from the fascinating world of lipreading


Here on our articles page, we invite you to read along as we share insights into the fascinating world of lipreading.

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Get insights into the fascinating world of Lipreading


Industries Lipreader Insider News & Media

What are they saying? Lipreader is Trooping the Colour!

What are they saying? Lipreader is Trooping the Colour! Hands up - who has tried to guess what the royals...
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Lipreader Insider

Lipreading – how much can we understand?

  Lipreading - how much can we understand? Someone said, "Lipreaders only catch around one-third of what's said." - I...
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Law & Legal

Lipreading – a valuable source of evidence

  In a groundbreaking turn of events, justice has triumphed in a chilling murder case, thanks to the remarkable skill...
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Lipreader Insider

The Art of Lipreading: Decoding the Unheard

  How long can one truly concentrate? Is it a fleeting 10 minutes, a moderate 30 minutes, or an impressive...
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